Direct Mail Automation Software and the Best Email Marketing Automation Tools

 If you're looking for a simple way to send your marketing materials, you've probably considered a direct mail automation software. These programs allow you to print, customize, and package the mail to deliver to your target audience. While most marketing automation software is designed to help you manage your campaigns, some can also help you increase your ROI. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the more common uses for direct mail automation software.

Some of these applications have a Direct Mail Editor that lets you create personalized mail online, create PDF proofs, and save your reusable assets for future use. You can schedule unlimited mailers to be sent to your list through Triggered Drip campaigns. A Campaign Dashboard can track the production and mailing processes and includes optional response tracking. It can even sync with email marketing software like Salesforce. In addition, some of these programs integrate with other popular software, such as HubSpot and Zapier.

Some of the more advanced features of direct mail automation software include address validation and formatting, as well as intelligent routing through a national network of high-speed print partners. Some of the best programs allow you to trigger digital events based on delivery confirmation. Whether you want to increase your outreach or expand your membership, marketing automation will help you reach your targets at the right time. If you want to maximize your ROI, automation is the way to go.


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